Our Aims

  1. To promote the authorised and legal use of our original origami work.
  2. To maintain control of our intellectual property.
  3. To protect against unauthorised use and distribution.
  4. To prevent copyright infringements and internet piracy.

Our Work

Crab by Nick Robinson

The members of OAC are origami artists, authors and creators, and origami organisations.

OAC members may be willing for their work to be used commercially. However we believe it is crucial for others to respect our rights, and acknowledge the ownership of our work.

So if you are thinking about making money using our designs in any way, you must ask us before you begin your project. Contact details can be found here.

Our Concerns

Origami material is easy to find on the internet. However some of the available materials, books and diagrams especially, are being offered illegally.

Some authors and creators are already thinking hard about whether they will continue to produce diagrams or books containing their models because they fear that their work may be stolen and illegally distributed: in this event, origami enthusiasts everywhere would suffer.

So, please think very hard before obtaining material from any dubious source: common sense should tell you if it is official material, properly authorised by the creator or author.

If you spot any apparent infringements of origami authors’ and creators’ rights, please let us know.

And, if the copyright holder you're trying to reach isn't (yet) a member of OAC, please let us know of the infringement; the origami world is still relatively small, and chances are we can pass on your message!

OAC Group Authorization

The following OAC members are authorized by all other OAC regular members to file notices of infringement under applicable local laws and statutes such as the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA):

Thanks very much for your support.

Regular Members:

Himanshu Agrawal (India)

Mark Bolitho (United Kingdom;
BOS General Secretary)

David Brill (United Kingdom)

Kade Chan (Hong Kong)

Roman Diaz (Uruguay/Canada)

Rikki Donachie (United Kingdom)

Bruno Ferraz (Brazil)

Sandra Gullino (Brazil)

Takashi Hojyo (Japan;
JOAS Board Member)

Marc Kirschenbaum (USA;
OrigamiUSA Board Member)

Hideo Komatsu (Japan;
JOAS Board Member)

Ronald Koh (Singapore)

Jason Ku (USA;
OrigamiUSA Board Member)

Michael LaFosse (USA)

Robert Lang (USA)

John Montroll (USA)

Meenakshi Mukerji (USA)

Seiji Nishikawa (Japan;
JOAS Board Member)

Marcio Noguchi (USA;
OrigamiUSA Board Member)

Francis Ow (Singapore)

Won Park (USA)

Jan Polish (USA)

Juan Manuel Lima Rivas (Bolivia)

Nick Robinson (United Kingdom)

June Sakamoto (USA)

Yuri & Katrin Shumakov (Canada)

Koichi Tateishi (Japan;
JOAS Board Member)

Nicolas Terry (France)

Joseph Wu (Canada)

Makoto Yamaguchi (Japan;
founder, Gallery Origami House)

Associate Members:

Japan Origami Academic Society (JOAS) (Japan)

OrigamiUSA (USA)

Technical support:

Anne LaVin (USA)

(please note that all names are in Western name order, with surname last.)

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was last modified on: 13 May 2009 05:13:24 EDT